GL Architecture for webkit on android

 GL Architecture To draw things, WebView use a tree of layers. The root of that tree is a BaseLayerAndroid, which may have numerous LayerAndroid over it. The content of those layers are SkPicture, the content of the BaseLayer is an PictureSet. When drawing, we therefore have one large “surface” that is the BaseLayer, and (possibly) additional surfaces (usually smaller), which are the LayerAndroids. The BaseLayer usually corresponds to the normal web page content, the Layers are used for some parts such as specific divs (e.g. fixed position divs, or elements using CSS3D transforms, or containing video, plugins, etc.).

*** NOTE: The GL drawing architecture only paints the BaseLayer for now.

The rendering model is to use tiles to display the BaseLayer (as obviously a BaseLayer’s area can be arbitrarly large). The idea is to compute a set of tiles covering the viewport’s area, paint those tiles using the webview’s content (i.e. the BaseLayer’s PictureSet), then display those tiles. We check which tile we should use at every frame.


The tiles are grouped into a TiledPage — basically a map of tiles covering the BaseLayer’s surface. When drawing, we ask the TiledPage to prepare() itself then draw itself on screen. The prepare() function is the one that schedules tiles to be painted — i.e. the subset of tiles that intersect with the current viewport. When they are ready, we can display the TiledPage. Note that BaseLayerAndroid::drawGL() will return true to the java side if there is a need to be called again (i.e. if we do not have up to date textures or a transition is going on). Tiles are implemented as a BaseTile. It knows how to paint itself with the PictureSet, and to display itself. A GL texture is usually associated to it. We also works with two TiledPages — one to display the page at the current scale factor, and another we use to paint the page at a different scale factor. I.e. when we zoom, we use TiledPage A, with its tiles scaled accordingly (and therefore possible loss of quality): this is fast as it’s purely a hardware operation. When the user is done zooming, we ask for TiledPage B to be painted at the new scale factor, covering the viewport’s area. When B is ready, we swap it with A.

Texture allocation

 Obviously we cannot have every BaseTile having a GL texture — we need to get the GL textures from an existing pool, and reuse them. The way we do it is that when we call TiledPage::prepare(), we group the tiles we need (i.e. in the viewport and dirty) into a TilesSet and call BaseTile::reserveTexture() for each tile (which ensures there is a specific GL textures backing the BaseTiles). reserveTexture() will ask the TilesManager for a texture. The allocation mechanism goal is to (in order): – prefers to allocate the same texture as the previous time – prefers to allocate textures that are as far from the viewport as possible – prefers to allocate textures that are used by different TiledPages Note that to compute the distance of each tile from the viewport, each time we prepare() a TiledPage. Also during each prepare() we compute which tiles are dirty based on the info we have received from webkit.

BaseTile Invalidation

We do not want to redraw a tile if the tile is up-to-date. A tile is considered to be dirty an in need of redrawing in the following cases – the tile has acquires a new texture – webkit invalidates all or part of the tiles contents To handle the case of webkit invalidation we store two ids (counters) of the pictureSets in the tile. The first id (A) represents the pictureSet used to paint the tile and the second id (B) represents the pictureSet in which the tile was invalidated by webkit. Thus, if A < B then tile is dirty. Since invalidates can occur faster than a full tiled page update, the tiled page is protected by a ‘lock’ (m_baseLayerUpdate) that is set to true to defer updates to the background layer, giving the foreground time to render content instead of constantly flushing with invalidates. See lockBaseLayerUpdate() & unlockBaseLayerUpdate().

 Painting scheduling

The next operation is to schedule this TilesSet to be painted (TilesManager::schedulePaintForTilesSet()). TexturesGenerator will get the TilesSet and ask the BaseTiles in it to be painted. BaseTile::paintBitmap() will paint the texture using the BaseLayer’s PictureSet (calling TiledPage::paintBaseLayerContent() which in turns calls GLWebViewState::paintBaseLayerContent()). Note that TexturesGenerator is running in a separate thread, the textures are shared using EGLImages (this is necessary to not slow down the rendering speed — updating GL textures in the main GL thread would slow things down).

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Another ways to put logs in native

The is one more simple way to put logs in native library of android. You have to following the methon as explained below.

1) First of all check weather you your lib is linking with libutils and libcutils if not just add these flags in   LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES  in   your library’s

2) Now  include #include <utils/Log.h> header file.

3) Define LOG_TAG micro with some value. You can use this value to filter logs in logcat.

  #undef LOG_TAG

#define LOG_TAG “YS”

3) After this you can use below mero functions to put logs LOGV, LOGI, LOGW, LOGF, LOGS.

for example LOGV(“This is my log statement on line %d”,__LINE__);


I hope this method of putting logs is more easy and simple .

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Real difference between Interface and Abstract Class

I was googleing  regarding this  find interesting thing which, I want to make a note for me.

  • Java interface should be implemented using keyword “implements”; A Java abstract class should be extended using keyword “extends”.
  • An interface can extend another Java interfaces only, an abstract class can extend another Java class and implement multiple Java interfaces.
  • Interface is absolutely abstract and cannot be instantiated; A Java abstract class also cannot be instantiated, but can be invoked if a main() exists.
  • Main difference is methods of a Java interface are implicitly abstract and cannot have implementations. A Java abstract class can have instance methods that implements a default behavior.
  • Variables declared in a Java interface is by default final. An  abstract class may contain non-final variables.
  • Members of a Java interface are public by default. A Java abstract class can have default access  behavioral.


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Putting Log in Native Code

Hi All,

This post is to put logs in the Native code  which will show in DDMS.

Following is the detail for log function for native code.

Lib Name:-

HeaderFile:-    “android/log.h”

Function:-  int   __android_log_write(int prio, const char *tag, const char *text);

For Log Priority you can use following Value.

    ANDROID_LOG_DEFAULT, /* only for SetMinPriority() */
Tag :- It is up to you which tag you want to use for filtering in DDMS.
Text:- A simple text which you use in printf format.
Now a very small example  how we can you this Log function
1) First make some changes in file so that you can link to
2) After this I just include the header file as
#include <android/log.h>

3) Define Macros as

#define  LOG_TAG    "YS" #define  LOGI(...)  __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__)
All is done now you can use the LOGI() macro for putting logs.
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Android ndk-stack tool

‘ndk-stack’ is a good and simple  tool that allows you to analize stack traces as they appear in the output of ‘adb logcat’ and replace any address inside a stripped shared library with the corresponding <file name>:<line number>. In a nutshell, it will decode the log  of native crash as in the example :

I/DEBUG ( 31): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** **
I/DEBUG ( 31): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 0d9f00d8
I/DEBUG ( 31): r0 0000af88 r1 0000a008 r2 baadf00d r3 0d9f00d8
I/DEBUG ( 31): r4 00000004 r5 0000a008 r6 0000af88 r7 00013c44
I/DEBUG ( 31): r8 00000000 r9 00000000 10 00000000 fp 00000000
I/DEBUG ( 31): ip 0000959c sp be956cc8 lr 00008403 pc 0000841e cpsr 60000030
I/DEBUG ( 31): #00 pc 0000841e /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher
I/DEBUG ( 31): #01 pc 000083fe /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher
I/DEBUG ( 31): #02 pc 000083f6 /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher
I/DEBUG ( 31): #03 pc 000191ac /system/lib/
I/DEBUG ( 31): #04 pc 000083ea /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher
I/DEBUG ( 31): #05 pc 00008458 /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher
I/DEBUG ( 31): #06 pc 0000d362 /system/lib/
I/DEBUG ( 31):

Into the more readable output:

********** Crash dump: **********
Build fingerprint: ‘generic/google_sdk/generic/:2.2/FRF91/43546:eng/test-keys’
pid: 351, tid: 351 &gt;&gt;&gt; /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher &lt;&lt;&lt;

signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 0d9f00d8
Stack frame #00 pc 0000841e /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine zoo in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/zoo.c:13
Stack frame #01 pc 000083fe /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine bar in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/bar.c:5
Stack frame #02 pc 000083f6 /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine my_comparison in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/foo.c:9
Stack frame #03 pc 000191ac /system/lib/
Stack frame #04 pc 000083ea /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine foo in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/foo.c:14
Stack frame #05 pc 00008458 /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine main in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/main.c:19
Stack frame #06 pc 0000d362 /system/lib/

How to use this tool.

To do this, you will first need a directory containing symbolic versions of your application’s shared libraries. If you use the NDK build system (i.e. ndk-build),

You can use this tool in to ways.

1)  adb logcat |  ndk-stack -sym <Path to  your shared libraries>

2)  ndk-stack -sym <Path to  your shared libraries> -dump <file name containing the  crash logs>

Now both the versions(linux/windows/mac) of ndk-stack are available  at Android Developer .

References:    StackOverflow and Android Developer 




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